Random Word Generator: Select words, pass out word and definition to each class member. They must make up a word as a second definition and see if they can flummox the class.
Macroclemys Definition: A genus of alligator snapping turtles
Bibacious Definition: Addicted to drinking
Notal Definition: Of or pertaining to the back dorsal
Budgy Definition: Consisting of fur
Trental Definition: An office and mass for the dead on the thirtieth day after
death or burial
Legate Definition: An
ambassador or envoy
Quinsey Definition: Athabaskan Igloo or Definition: Complication of tonsillitis (both correct, differently spelled)
Calamistration Definition: The act or process of curling the hair
Muggins Definition: A game of dominoes in which the object is to make the sum of
the two ends of the line some multiple of five
Toat Definition: The handle of a joiners plane
Auricled Definition: Having ear shaped appendages or lobes auriculate as auricled
Assafoeligtida Definition: Indian Spice also called Hing
Impudicity Definition: Immodesty
Botuliform: Definition:
Sausage shaped
Pavonian Definition: Of or pertaining to a peacock
Woodruff Definition: Wine