Saturday, October 24, 2015

Week Six Argument Lecture

Image result for argumentDefine Argument - current day and then in the 1828 dictionary.

1828 ARGUMENTnoun [Latin argumentum.]
1. A reason offered for or against a proposition, opinion, or measure; a reason offered in proof, to induce belief, or convince the mind; followed by for or against.
2. In logic, an inference drawn from premises, which are indisputable, or at least of probable truth.
3. The subject of a discourse or writing.
4. An abstract or summary of a book, or the heads of the subjects.
5. A debate or discussion; a series of reasoning; as, an argument was had before the court, in which argument all the reasons were urged.
6. In astronomy, an arch by which we seek another unknown arch, proportional to the first.

Connect with previous lessons:  Argument are proofs and those can be the pitons on yor climb.  A strong argument is based on proofs and proofs come from research.  

DIvide class in two groups-- Pro and Con.  

Argument 1 minute
Rebut 1 minute
Argument 1 minute
Rebut 1 minute

Give topic and one minute for preparation:  

Judges grade according to how many arguments were made, less how many rebutted.  

Humorous Speech Topics

Ideas for argument topics