Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Teen Failure is a Fallacy


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Top 100 Speeches All Time

Pick three of these speeches to read/watch/listen to.

Week Four

Conductor’s Game—loud, soft, musically, choppy, falsetto, bass,

Overview last two weeks.    What do your notes look like? 
What were your TAKE HOMES?

#1   Rhetoric   Use it to craft arguments and answer questions
#2  How strong are your pitons—proofs.

    #3   Do you have a vision?   Start with the End in Mind

Lecture:  Vision.

Philosophical questions? 
Who are you?  Why are you here?   
What’s in your backpack” talk by Bytheway. 


Impromptu Speaking:  Hero speeches


SPEED SPEECHES at 1st Semester Culminating Activity in January. 

HOMEWORK PAGE:   Vocabulary page               

SPEED SPEECHES    Debate Speed Speaking

Conductor Game

Conductor’s Game—

Start in a circle.  Conductor steps into the middle and selects a tongue twister from the box.  The youth then proceeds to take a turn to direct one person in the group in how to repeat the phrase by using only musical direction and hand signals.  

loud, soft, musically, choppy, falsetto, bass

How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

Jack and Jill went up the hill

One Two Buckle My Shoe
Three Four Shut the Door

Star Light Star Bright

ABC Song 

Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers

Twinkle Twinkle

How many yaks could a yak pack pack, if a yak pack could pack yaks?

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Week Three Semester 1

Review last week lecture:  Aristotle's Triangle of Rhetoric

Lecture:  Climb Up!  Introducing Proofs - Arguments

Activity:  Faulty Proofs Game   Fill out truths, use those truths to introduce the youth to the group with faulty sentences.

Homework Topic:  "My Hero"    Must be Alive

Impromptu Speech


Body:  Three Proofs



Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Week Two Rhetoric Lecture

Rhetoric Discussion - PERSUADE ME


Explain Aristotle's Triangle of Rhetoric


Game:  Make a statement about a cat and have the group decide logos, ethos, or pathos.


Week 3 Interview and Introduction Game

Ask the youth to fill out the questionaire then pass it to the person next to them and they will stand and introduce them to the group using their answers.  


Interview and Introduction Game --


Name a Comic book character

Name a Vacation Spot

Name 2 zoo animals

Name a Disney Character

Name a flower

Name an insect

Name a  bad habit

Name a tech company

Name a Hobby

Who you would vote for for the President of the US

Fav. Book author

Toughest issue in the world today. 

·         I’d like to introduce _______________________________________________ (name)

·         Aka (also known as) _______________________________________________ (comic)

·         Just returned from a tour of___________________(vacation).

·         ________________ loves animals and has lots of  pets,  some  (name)                        are ___________ and __________ .
                                                                       (zoo animals)

·         _________________also has a very famous family.  He/she is (name)                          first cousins with  __________________
                                                                                          (Disney character)
·         ____________ is an innovator in the area of science and is (name)               currently working to pioneered the science of
                            combining ________ and _______________
                                     (Flower)                                                (insect)

He/she has use the Pavlovian theory to create totally new theories  in the area of  ___________. 

When he/she  is not consulting for ___________________________

He/She is:     ______________________________________________

Right now he/she is working with ____________________________

On their latest film project based on the book _________________________

Which has a working title of:    How to solve ____________________.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Let’s give a hand to:  ___________________

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Humorous Intrepretations    Meanwhile Back at the Ranch
