Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Week 4 Impromptu Speaking

Impromptu Hero Speech

5 minutes long

Someone who inspires you.  Must be a real person.  Alive or dead


Answer who what where when how

Great ending


Temple Grandin

She is a woman who reformed slaughter techniques in America to the cattle's benefit.

She was born around 1950 and she had autism before it was diagnosed.    Her mother did not let her give in.  "Door slammed in your face, find a way to open it and walk through."  Mom persisted in teaching her and having high expectations.

Inspiring High School Teacher honed science interest.

College Years - hug machine.  Roommate abuse challenge,

Doctorate challenges,  Learn to fit in with mud on truck.

End with Strong visual of Autism conference.  Walk through the door.

Impromptu Speaking Tips

Seems like a cruel trick, someone asking you to speak without preparation, but it’s actually great training for your life.  Speaking on the fly is a great skill to develop as sometime in your life you will probably be asked to speak at social events, business meetings, church meetings or family gatherings.

medium_22743029681.     Grab a piece of paper and a pen, napkin, or the back of the church program,  so you don’t end up looking like a tattoo artist and jot down a few thoughts.  One word topic can help direct you.  PANIC IS NOT the word!

2.     Focus on a great intro sentence,
a.     INTRO HINTS:  Have you ever…   Isn’t it great when…  Did you know that… Most of us know/don’t know…
b.     Feel free to acknowledge your discomfort, but don’t make it a pity party. 

3.     Pick 2-3 great points.  Aim at your own Target – feel free to shoot in a whole new direction.
4.     Concentrate on controlling your body, vocal tone and nervous body tics. Redirect the brain to body and tune out the people.    

5.     ALWAYS end with a great conclusion and most people will forget the middle. 
a.     END HINTS:  That’s why…   So now we see…  It makes sense that… 

Day One Intro To Speech

We are going to jump right in with both feet up to our necks into speech.    No Gum and Shoes    3 minutes in.
Image result for patrick henry
Ask what is known about Patrick Henry and then Tina Mellor  Speech problems, couldn't say consonants - 7 years of speech therapy and now super fast talker, communicates great, going off to BYU I music degree.

Go around the room:  Tell your name and one thing you want from this class and one thing interesting about you.

Split into groups and practice introductions:

1. Establish Credibility
2. Give background on their interests
3. Create connections with the audience

Topic:  Bears

Next week's impromptu speech:    How to Make Something

IMPROMPTU SPEECH   a five-eight minute talk prepared in 1-3 minutes.
  • Introduction
  • Choose your focus
  • Think of 2-3 fill-ins    
  • Relate the topic to your audience
  •        Reason to Agree
  • Sum it Up - Restate 

Unleashing your Voice

This course is patterned after Kathy Mellor's Unleashing Your Voice.  We will be using documentation proprietary to her company programs.